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The Gift of Life——Life Explained (生命的馈赠)

        On the very first day, God created the cow. He said to the cow, "Today I have created you! As a cow, you must go to the field with the farmer all day long. You will work all day under the sun! I will give you a life span of 50 years."
        The cow objected, “What? This kind of a tough life you want me to live for 50 years? Let me have 20 years, and the 30 years I’ll give back to you." So God agreed.

        创世第一天,上帝创造了牛。他对牛说:今天我创造了你!作为一头牛,你必须跟农夫下地,终日在日头下劳作!我给你50年的寿命。 牛不同意了:什么?这种苦日子你要我活50年?让我活20年吧,30年还给你。于是,上帝同意了。


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