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The Lowest Unique Bid Wins!

The lowest unique bid is the successful bid
In our lowest unique bid auction, you have the opportunity to purchase products at ultra-low prices. The winner who has placed the closest bid to 1 fen and that no one else has placed (unique bid) in the limiting time or bids can purchase the product at the lowest unique bid price.
1 fen(0.01 yuan) is the smallest units of bids.

How to do if i can't win the auction
If the aution which after the market price of pruduct marked "buy related" ends, you can buy it with the money which you bid consumed. If the money is not enough, you will recharge the remainder money to you account, and then complete the purchase.

Websites for reference:  http://www.diandianba.com


Tags: 时政消息 资源共享

分类:热点资讯 | 固定链接 | 评论: 0 | 引用: 0 | 查看次数: 558